Digitalagentur | Driva

Digital Organisation

To get straight to the point: digital transformation puts everything in your organisation under the microscope and does this in a fundamental way. Data-driven business models require a new way of thinking, a "digital" way of working. A digital transformation without changes in the organisation is half-hearted and as several statistics prove: Doomed to fail. Digital transformation means change, especially for those who make the company what it is - your employees.

Your change for the human-driven digital transformation

Due to the large number of companies we have accompanied on their transformation, we know that a traditional approach cannot be applied to this change. Derived from the objectives of the transformation, a balance between agility and efficiency for the organisation must be decided. For this purpose, we consider and evaluate structural aspects of the organisation, but also behavioural aspects of employees. After all, selection of change methods determines the success of your transformation.

Change Management Approach

Far away from classical standard approaches, with the combination of the Golden Circle and the OKR method, we are pursuing a more agile transformation process that promotes the collaborative and inter-disciplinary cooperation of decisive and motivated employees. Our range of services for the establishment of your digital and agile organisation include:

Culture Analysis & Change

How we will analyse your corporate culture and establish suitable guiding principles and objectives

Change Communication

How we trigger the right emotions in your employees with your communicative measures

Leadership Development

How we develop your management personnel into digital experts

Digital Roles & Responsibilities

How we implement digital roles and responsibilities in your organisation

Technology leads to disruption, but humans drive the digital transformation

The digital era requires a change in approach: more collaborative, dynamic, free- flowing and thus free of rigid hierarchies and responsibilities. The change required for this must be brought into the consciousness of the employees through specific measures. The implementation of the digital strategy begins in the minds of your employees – DRIVA helps you to establish a digital mindset as well as"smart" and agile structures in your organisation.

It all starts with a conversation