Digitalagentur | Driva

Digital Operating Model

A digital strategy is indispensable, but revenues are not generated through the strategy, rather with your operating model. It is not uncommon for a company to face the difficulty of not being able to map promising digitalisation strategies into existing or new structures. Any promising and innovative strategy that cannot be anchored in business operations is therefore worthless.

The rudder to control your digitisation

For the positive disruption of a competitive marketspace, it is no longer enough to rework areas of the value chain in silos. Digital transformation requires processes and data to be developed end-to-end and cross-functionally. For this purpose, we establish a governance model that places customer-centric focus at the centre of your digital operating structure. With our methods, you will continuously develop your digital operating model in a customer-oriented way.

Transformation Governance Framework

Automation of processes, customer centricity, data analytics, agile product management are just a few of the key issues you deal with in your digital operating model. The mutual influence of these topics requires a close central integration of the associated management disciplines, which focus on a company-specific adjustment of the disciplines. This is where our experts help with their comprehensive andlong-standing experience. In the spirit of partnership, we accompany you in the establishment of your tailor-made governance solution.



  • Data Strategy & Roadmap
  • Data Organisation & Governance
  • Data Quality & Architecture


  • BPM Strategy
  • BPM Organisation & Governance
  • BPM Modelling & Methods


  • Product Ownership
  • User Experience & Product Backlog
  • Product Roadmap


  • Project Portfolio Management
  • Programm Management
  • Agile Project Management

Creating a digital business model

The link between the digital strategy and the digital operating model must be carried out considering the individual circumstances in the company. With a great deal of sensitivity for your specific characteristics, we identify and establish the mechanisms that are suitable for your operating model.

It all starts with a conversation